22-28 ноября цена на белый корунд

22-28 ноября цена на белый корунд

Nov.22th-Nov.28th white corundum price

From Nov.22th, the raw alumina price drops a lot. So white corundum price is lower accordingly. In the meantime, there is a low demand for white corundum on the user end. Some of the white corundum manufacturers in China begin to offer lower prices to promote sales. However, the profit of producing white corundum is even lower. That’s because of high electricity cost although raw material cost decreased. To avoid the risk of loss, part of manufacturers would rather stop producing. Thus, producers are seeing how the situation goes.

At the same time, there is news saying high energy consumption factories will shut down during the Beijing Winter Olympic game. Importers from abroad are worrying about less supply. Overall, the white corundum price will stay low level in the coming week.


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